It's been "one of those weeks" at my house. It started with several sleepless nights with Anne and after a doctors visit we discovered she has ear infections and now taking medicine 2 times a day. Next, John had a rash on his chin that turned out to be something contagious so after another doctors visit (
yes, same doctor), we are now applying cream 3 times a day. Now, it's Stuart's turn. He came home yesterday with a high fever and sore throat. Surely it couldn't be the strep throat that he just got over last week, right? Well, after a doctor's visit, (
yes, the same doctor 3 times in one week) we discovered it was strep throat again. So now Stuart is taking medicine 2 times a day. As you can imagine, I'm starting to lose my mind remembering to give the right medicines, the right amount of times per day to each child. Just when Friday evening is here and only hours away from Daddy coming home from's John's turn again. Boo! John somehow manages to fall on one of Anne's castles and lacerates his gumline/lip. I, trying to remain calm in spite of the blood, call the doctor
(yes, same doctor) and she keeps the office open for us to come in b/c after all it is 5pm. We rush to the office and the doctor
(yes, the same doctor for the 4th time this week) graciously takes us back to her office and looks at John. Thankfully, no stitches are need, just some time for it to heal on its own.
My brave little boy! |
Ouch!! The tooth fairy might end up coming a little early for this little boy. :) | |
So needless to say, it has been one of those weeks at my house. :)
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