Thursday, March 13, 2014

About that time...........

Well, it's about that time for a cut.  Aaron likes the boys hair to be long while I much prefer a more groomed look. :)  Also, I was going through a bottle of hair gel a week trying to keep the hair down on their heads.  John was so excited about getting his hair cut, he was practically begging me to cut it off.  On the other hand, Stuart was a little less enthused.  Stuart absolutely LOVES his "poofy" hair, as he calls it.  He cried and begged me not to cut it, so we ended up with a compromise.  I cut the sides and left the top long.  And since I am not a barber or have any type of skill with a shaver, it sure makes for an interesting hair cut.  Ha!  But, Stuart's happy so that's all that matters, right?  So here are the before and after photos:

Stuart Before:

(Wouldn't you love to have that volume? Ha!)

Stuart After:

(I knew he had ears under there!)

John Before:

(Super Johnny!)

John After:

(This boy can make me laugh!)   

Here's to many more happy hair cutting memories!!

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